The Jimmy Daytona Show
Highlighting the stories of interesting people I’ve met in my travels the past decade in music, healing, politics, and sports.
The Jimmy Daytona Show
Chris Lauderdale
Chris Lauderdale is one of my best friends, and one of the inspirations of The Jimmy Daytona Show's name!
We talk about his avid interest in craft beer, having visited 200+ breweries, his work as a Consul for Internations, where immigrant professionals come together to network, his quarterly Lauderdale parties, where he's been adept at bringing people together, including 40 mutual friends.
We finish with a tribute to our friend of blessed memory, Qing Zeng, and each of our favorite beers by category!
The Jimmy Daytona Show highlights the interesting people I've met in my travels and I love hearing about their stories and endeavours!