The Jimmy Daytona Show

Adam Farfan

James Season 1 Episode 6

Adam is an investor and entrepreneur with a two decade dedicated career in financial services. Adam’s premium consulting company consulted for businesses globally by re-engineering their financial services sales divisions, including his own. Well-known for exemplifying a world-class lifestyle, Adam’s greatest passion is to lead others to transform them into remarkably successful leaders too. 

His clients? Entertainment/Film Industry Celebrities, Pro-Athletes, Non-Profit Organizations, 500 INC CEO’s, Forbes Rated Companies, & more. 

Having a cutting-edge financial expertise, an impeccably extensive track record, & a deep love for developing others, Adam founded a world’s leading financial coaching company. This one-of-a-kind premiere ON-line financial coaching company is dedicated to teach students and clients across the world Adam’s strategic implementation methods that made him one of the most well-respected industry legends.

Adam goes over his success in finance and mentoring people to manifest success

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The Jimmy Daytona Show highlights the interesting people I've met in my travels and I love hearing about their stories and endeavours!